555 Difficult Bible Questions Answered

68. What Is Known of the Hittites?

They were descendants of Canaan's son Heth. One of the seven Canaanitish nations, they dwelt in Hebron and were governed by kings (Deu. 7:1; Gen. 23 S!» 3» 10' I Kin. 10:29). Their land was promised to Israel and it was commanded to destroy them; but Israel did not destroy them entirely (Deu. 7:1, 2, 24; Josh. 14:13; Judg. 3:5). Among their prominent personages were Ephron, Ahimelech and Uriah (Gen. 49:30; I Sam. 26-6; II Sam. 11:6, 21). Esau, Solomon and many other Israelites intermarried with the Hittites. They were a warlike people and made many conquests.